Friday, July 31, 2009

Honorary Hachi of the week: Ari Cohen

Camp Gan Izzy of Parkland under Shuey and Sara Biston have done it once again- they made Ari a Hachhi of the week in their camp! although Ari is not physically in their camp- they proved that he is definitely in their hearts! thanks guys- you know we love you!
click here to see the newsletter!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Morristown ,NJ Welcomes Ari!

Rabbi Solomon and his wife Chana Devora (CD-as most of my generation of emunah girls know her as) have been so sweet and so enthusiastic about joining in on Ari's Camp Gan Izzy Project '09! Their e-mails have made me smile and have given me chizuk. They sent Ari two t-shirts, its always good to have a change of clothing! especially with Ari!They also sent Ari a cap , which is the first hat that has come in! Thank you so much for including Ari in Camp Gan Izzy of Morristown ,NJ.

An E-mail to remember

This e-mail was Rebbetzin Goldie Avtzon of Hong Kong and I wanted to share it with everyone.(please click on the picture to enlarge,so that you can read the post)
p.s in the email to all the parents- Goldie also sent a picture of Ari so that they all could meet him.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Silver Gan Izzy

Thank you to Silver Gan Izzy for making Ari part of your camp in Huntington Beach California. As the shirt says- YOU ROCK!

Rosie and Ari at Camp GGI Nebraska

Thank you to Chabad of Nebraska for sending out two t-shirts for Ari, who as quickly as he could ,signed to his sister Rosie to put on the other one and join him in the days activities. I think the pictures speak for themselves!

Camp in Guatetmala

Yael Pelman is the Rebbitzen of Chabad in Guatemala. I have know her since we were kids as out fathers are the best of friends. Yael and I have more in common then most people would think,and i admire her courage and her involvement in helping her own son who, has special needs as well. Both of our Kids went to Otsar and are alumni to the amazing school, the recognition and admiration that i have for Yael and her family for sending their son at such a young age , while they continued their shluchus in Guatemala is threw the roof! And to Yaels parents whom helped and cared for their Grandson ,I commend you too! support is the number one thing that anyone can give to a family of a special needs child, and you have given other grandparents of special needs children a strong example!Yael, thank you for making Ari part of your camp, and may we only share in Simchas!

Gan Israel in Stockholm ,Sweden

The Griesmans from Sweden sent out a t-shirt for Ari,and were so thoughtful in sending Ari a Aleph-Bais beach ball! So, Mr. Ari Cohen went to Camp Gan Izzy of Stockholm and played ball! and might i add, he had a ball! Thank you so much!


Ari Did some of his therapy,working on his Balance with Camp Gan Izzy of Sarasota,Florida.Thank you to Rabbi and Rebbitzen Steinmetz,for sending Ari a T-shirt in his favorite color! but most importantly including Ari in their Camp,so he can travel the world!

C.G.I Toledo

This package that came had to be one of the most interesting and beautiful ,thoughtful package that came. The outside read from Mushka Weiss from Charlotte North Carolina. I was confused because i had sent North Carolina and email and although they wished to be a part of this project,they did not have a camp,and wished us the best. so i was baffled . But when Ari opened it up , there was a t-shirt from Toledo with a note that said, Hi Ari, My name is Mushka Weiss and i just came back from CGI in Toledo ,i hope u enjoy this t-shirt and have as much fun as we did! love Mushka. First of all thank you Mushka for sending this out to Ari. To Mushka's parents, you should have so much nachas from your daughter ,she made Ari, so very happy! and to CGI of Toledo, i hope that Ari does have Fun in your camp, and thanx so much for sending one out! As you can see from the picture, Ari joined you guys for lunch!

Gan Israel St-Maur, France

I got this letter along with the t-shirts (one from this year -one from last year) and i think the letter speaks for itself:
Beth 'Habad St. Maur, France
Dear Ari
We are happy to send you t-shirts from Camp Gan Izzy of St. Maur ,France, one from this year and one from last year. In our camp we count 120 campers. they heard about you and were very happy to write you letters and draw you pictures. We hope that you will enjoy our present and that Hashem will give you health and strength for your continuation together with your whole family.
Rav Hershy and 'Hami Drookman
Gan Israel St Maur
(thank you so much , the pictures and letters were read- every single one of them!)


Leibel & Chana'la Fine of Camp Gan Israel - Dollard Jewish Day Camp sent this next shirt for Ari. Thank you for making Ari part of Your Camp!Ari was a bit nervous for his first day at camp, but it was nothing that a little Mike and Ike couldn't take care of! we took this as an opportunity to learn the brocha shahakol!

Hong Kong

Every single kid,Every single counselor and of course R. Goldie Avtzon have welcomed Ari into their Camp Gan Izzy of Hong Kong with open arms. They have made Ari a part of their camp in ways that just go beyond my wildest dreams! When the box arrived Ari was confused, he was not quite sure what was inside. I told him it was a t-shirt and of course he threw his off to get ready for his new one,but when he opened the box there was just this huge ball of newspaper! as we began unwrapping Ari very very quickly realized what was going on,and with a smile on his face layer after layer he discovered pictures of all the kids in camp holding a picture of Ari! with a lolly pop and a letter to go with it. every layer brought another cute little camper excitedly holding Ari.s picture smiling ear to ear! The letters were heart warming and precious, they were thoughtful and most of all they were so eager to make a child they barely knew part of their camp! As we for to the center, there was a t-shirt and a cute kippa from Camp Gan Izzy Hong Kong and a little Sheep (which ari can sign)that when u press the middle ,you can hear all the kids at camp screaming "We love you Ari!" Its the kinderlach who will make moshiach come! We love you too! campers of Hong Kong,we love you too!

Jacksonville ,Florida

Thanx to Rabbi Shmulie Novack whom has always been kind to Ari, and helped him to join Camp Gan Izzy of Jacksonville.

Miami Experience

When i bumped into Rabbi Mendy Weiss and his Wife (and cutie newborn baby) at Wannado City I was touched by the time that he took to listen to my story. they took my address right then and there and sent Ari a shirt with in days! inside there was a sweet little note wishing Ari the best Gan Izzy Experience ,and that his adjustment into their camp should be an easy one.Thank you so much! And yes Ari is adjusting very well to Camp Gan Izzy Miami!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Brochot Bikers of Camp Gan Izzy S.Barbra

When i first got an email from Musia Goldman,i was so taken with her maturity and her sincerity. She had written me from Camp Gan Izzy of S. Barbra, California where r she is the Head Counselor. She explained to me that she was so excited to be a part of Ari's project because she has a brother with special needs and she was deeply touched by my e-mail. As the e-mails continued to circulate between us ,it became very clear to me and Musia that we knew each other and that we were both part of the Friendship Circle Family in N.Y. Tziril, you should have a lot of nachas and joy from Musia, she has done not only you proud,but all the siblings of special needs children proud as well. Musia, you are an amazing girl,and i cannot even express how you personal touches,and true kindness have made my heart swell. Thanx for the picture ,and most of all Thank you for making Ari a part of your camp!

Scripps Ranch-San Diego

Thank You to Chabad of Scripps Ranch in San Diego California and to Rabbi Dovid Smoller for sending a t-shirt from their Camp Gan Izzy to Ari. Ari practiced his Balance and as u can see from the picture he was so excited to wear the yellow shirt(which he signed and said a oooooo sound!) that he didn't even realize he was doing therapy!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chabad of Penn State- State College

Ari could not wait to go on a nature walk with Camp Gan Izzy of State College! (ok so it was our front yard- but still very nature like lol) Thanks to Sara Meretsky and Rabbi Nosson who so graciously sent Ari a T-shirt to be part of their camp. I also took the opportunity to do a little bit of sensory therapy with Ari. Ari has a hard time touching leaves and grass- and as u can see in the picture he made such tremendous progress!Thank you Sara.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Graduates 95 helper

I just wanted to take a second to thank Rivky (chanin) Goldfarb for helping me get the word have always been very helpful (especially with tests and homework) thanx for everything!

Gan Izzy of Ann Arbor Michigan

A good friend of mine from high school- Shternie (goldstein) Zwiebel sent this t-shirt for Ari. she is the director of Camp Gan Izzy Ann Arbor. I must take this time to thank Shternie,because sent along with the t-shirt were tons of pictures colored by kids in camp. Ari was way to excited, of course he immediately took off his shirt-put on his camp t-shirt and began coloring! he looked at every picture (and i did as well -they were so sweet- some were even funny) and had a smile ear to ear. thanx Shternie!
p.s Ari was singing we open one eye we open two- mode ani- thanx for davening time!

Ari The Great Part 2

And so................. we began our investigating on how we could make this happen. We contacted Shuey and Sara Biston and Tami Cohen both amazing directors of Camp Gan Izzy of Parkland and Boca and both camps although not special needs camps,were more then willing to have Ari join there camp! excitement was flowing and we began our search for a shadow for Ari. Not so easy i tell you! Ari has a hard time focusing and is not potty trained. Ari cannot talk and if you don't know sign language it can be very frustrating- and safety is the biggest issue- Ari is not aware of danger and as u can see the job description of a shadow extent. during all this time we had decided to send Ari to Gan Izzy of Boca ,because his older sister Rosie wanted to be with her friends there ,and with the drive between the house and the camp it was the logical decision. Rabbi Bukiet and Rabbi Denburg opened their hearts to Ari and Camp day was approaching. Still no shadow for Ari. to tell u the truth i was starting to rest up- if i couldn't find someone-then i would take Ari myself! Two days before Camp I met Rebecca and the connection between Ari and her was instant! Camp begun and i nervously waited to hear how his day was. His smile said it all! he came home so happy and ,well Rebecca needed a nap! over the next couple of days Ari thrived in ways i could only dream about! it was the first shabbos of camp ,and Ari and i were playing while tatty took a nap , and i asked Ari, Ari what do u do at camp? it was then that i realized the true impact that being surrounded by this amazing Gan Izzy family had on Ari. he proceeded to take a chair ,moved it to the front of the room and stood up tall and proud on top of it. he then covered his eyes with one hand and then used the other hand to do Shema Yisroel- one of the twelve pesukim! he could not speak it- but he was shouting loud and clear! and he waved his hand for every word- and when he was done he clapped his hands in laughter and did the motions to a cheer that they sing at line up. i was shocked , i didn't know if i should laugh, or cry or ............i just couldn't believe what i was seeing! it was an extreme opposite -form his starring role as Santa in his Hanuka play at school! my heart swelled and at this point tatty was up and we were watching our very own bochor do line up with his sister! my wheels started turning -and i wanted more- call me selfish, call me silly -(don't call me late for dinner) but i wanted more, we were thirsty and we wanted to soak in as much as we could for him. and so i took my role as an advocate (my starring role) for Ari and began contacting two or three Gan Izzy's from around the world. possibilities were endless for my Ari- and i wanted him to be a part of this in more ways then one can imagine- i wanted his neshama to fill with chayis and fill with pride of who he is and where he comes from- i wanted him to be stuffed so it could last him all threw the year. i wanted him to be a part of something that i never realized we missed as much as we did till now. Ari doesn't know it yet but my project is about to make him a world class traveler right from his own backyard! the response was amazing! i was touched by the human kindness of shluchim around the world who took the time to read the email and to respond. one of the first emails to come in was from Goldie Avtzon of Hong Kong- and although many came in with touching responses and support, it was Goldie who gave me the push and the strength to really continue my dream for Ari. it was one sentence -one single sentenced that made my heart do flip flops(5 bucks at old navy-just FYI) "of course we will send Ari a t-shirt- we would love for Ari to be a part of our camp! " i don't even think till this day that she realizes the impact of the words she soulfully shared to me. its was true! Ari was part of their camp- their family- he was part of camp Gan Izzy of Hong Kong! Goldie then asked me about Ari and asked if she could show the kids at camp a picture of Ari- and of course i sent one- they wanted to identify with whom they were welcoming into their camp. it touched me, it lifted me . that night as i kissed Ari as he slept in his bed - i saw all the endless possibilities of this whole project - not only for Ari but for all the special needs lubavitch kids out there who so desperately need the ruchnius and the chayis of Camp Gan Izzy. Before i knew it , Ari was welcomed into many camps around the globe- every shliach that sent him a t-shirt, every little note ,and magnet that was sent along, every piece of heart that was felt -filled my Ari up. every day he puts on a t-shirt he is transformed . its like his super hero costume - he can do anything-it gives him strength it gives him encouragement and it gives us ,his family renewed emunah. i know u some of u might be thinking is this woman nuts? a t-shirt? can do all that! and my answer is YES! yes it can - and then some! determination comes easy to my Ari - that's how he has passed so many tests in life. but for me- sometimes, i need a little boost.and it makes me happy to see him happy. it makes me smile to know he is part of something so vital to his soul. it makes me so proud that he can stand on a chair like a head counselor(thanx Devora Masinter) and shout on the top of his lungs Shema and Vohavta! it makes me so proud when he is the virtual hachi of the week in Gan Izzy of ........where ever it may be. thank u so much for every single camp that has welcomed Ari and thank you so much to the camps who have gone way beyond the t-shirt and helped to make this dream- a reality. i look forward in sharing with everyone Ari's summer at Camp Gan Izzy (the special Crew) in .............wherever his heart desires!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

New Helperl!

I just wanted to take a second to thank my friend Batsheva Hecht from South Africa/Palm Beach/N.Y for helping me with Ari,s project!

Chicago - Farm day! (MOO)

Zessy Posner ,the director and junior gan izzy day camp sent Ari this t-shirt from her camp, but she did way more then just that. When she read my e-mail she quickly sent it to her sister who contacted me about writting an article in the neshi chabad newsletter. My excitement in sharing with neshi was threw the roof! and i am honored to be asked to participate! thank u so much zessy- for everything.
i know there are a few pictures here but i just had to share- ari was setting up his barn and signed that the horses stink! he was very very involved in his farm and tractor.and we took this as an opportunity to learn about all the kosher animals!

Fox Chapel,Pa - Snack Time!

than you to rabbi Ely Rosenfelt and Shternie Rosenfeld of Fox Chapel for sending Ari a t-shirt. I just had to comment that they sent along a Booklet that was just absolutely amazing! All about Gan Izzy at Fox Chapel. It was beautiful and colorful and full of tons of information about their camp. Thank you.

The Shul- Bal Harbour,Fl.

My sister Dini lives in Bal Harbour and Ari's cousin Dovi goes to gan izzy at The Shul. As soon as Dini heard about my project with Ari she said- Im In. And so she was able to get a Camp Gan Izzy t-shirt for Ari. Thanx Dee! And thank u to the Bal Harbour Shul.

Friday, July 17, 2009


When this shirt came in the mail the Greenberg family had decorated it so cute with googly eyes and all. inside was a card form rivky to ari asking him how he is and if there are any moose where he lives! i couldnt belive how personal it was and how much thought went into the package. there was even a duct tape kippa and wallet that they had made at camp!- today at camp gan izzy in Alaska Ari went fishing and caught..........a dolphin!

North Carolina,Raleigh

Thank you to the amazing shluchim in Raleigh, North Carolina for sending Ari a t-shirt and for helping me to make Ari so so happy

Port Washington

Ari Picked to wear this shirt today -bec his favorite color is green! when i e-mailed the shluchim to Camp Gan Izzy Washington they quickly sent one out for Ari

Camp Gan Izzy Parkland Part 2

Today was hat day at Gan izzy of parkland- Ari to the rescue! Ari loved wearing this t-shirt because he was signing all the letters on the shirt!

Ari the Great

I thought i would take a few min. to give everyone involved in Ari's Gan Izzy Project a post of who Ari is. Ari was born with trisomy 9 mosaic,a rare chromosomal disorder. his diagnosis was a shock and took nearly a year of testing,medical scares and many therapists and doctors to diagnose. children with this disorder do not thrive,and most often result in death before the first birthday. From the moment Ari was born he struggled and worked every day, every min, and every sec. he couldn't coordinate his suck and swallow-( Alonna took care of that)and he had severe medical issues related to this. threw aris determination and perseverance he began to thrive. surpassing all the doctors expectations (when i first saw Ari one neurologist said- he was a lump of clay-) every time something threatened to take our Ari away- someone above watched and fought for Ari. tracht goot vet zien goot,easy to say -but hard to do,but when i looked at Ari ,his smile, all was the time Ari was three he had been threw early intervention with step by step and the crew of chanie fiddle. and just a few weeks before his third birthday ari started walking-making him one of the only children with his disorder walking with out the use of a walker before the age of three (thanx to surgery on his spine and Leslie his p.t) his upsherin was a celebration! and a celebration of life- for in 3 years Ari had been put threw the ringer- many hospital stays ,procedures,surgery's and allergic reactions. he graduated that day- at dougies with all his family ,friends and therapists. It was time for ari to go to school and otsar became his school. words cannot even express the amount of love and care and devotion that the otsar staff showed to Ari-whom they all nicknamed little tzadik and Mr. America(due to his waving skills!) he thrived and pushed threw mountains and he conquered. his biggest test came when a simple bronchoscopy turned bad and he stopped breathing- even on a respirator Ari fought along with his zaidys and bubbys in himel to survive- and threw hashems kindness he pulled threw and went right back to school within a week! that's my Ari-(the weather helper) . when Ari turned 5 we faced a huge decision. with all of our family in Florida-and the school system changing we made a bold step and moved to boca raton Florida. leaving behind otsar,his friends ,his therapist and his doctors (thank u Dr. rosen) .we said goodbye to chayale and levi eckhous of the friendship circle and all of his friends (laimy,shuey,marvin,yisroel meir,and tova). but we moved forward -and that's how it went- Ari thrived and his health improved in sunny Florida. and best of all his quality of life improved by being next to his bubby and zaidy ,his great bubby rochel and all his aunts ,uncles and cousins. support is the biggest thing a special needs family can get- and that's just what we got! as hard as it was-we knew the right decision was made and Ari was enrolled in public school- bec. there were no available schools that would be the best place for Ari that were Jewish. and we were proud of our Ari- our very own shliach-going to school everyday with his kippa and tzitzis.!!! many teachers came for shabbos heart was filled because my little tzadik was flourishing. with in the year ari was sitting at a desk and making an x with a green crayon. but best of all he began to expand his sign language(Ari cannot speak and has a hearing loss in both ears he usually wears his blue and green hearing aides) he began communicating in ways that i only dreamed of. and we were happy, we were moving forward and we were proud of all the hard work Ari was doing. summer time was starting to arrive an i instantly knew that Ari needed to be a part of Gan Izzy- but how, where, a lot of questions remained. and so............(must cook for shabbos be back as soon as i can)


so morah esti chanowitz ,rosie's amazing teacher from this past year at hebrew acadamy,margate,along with her husband and children are shluchim in sunrise,fl (yes,right next to sawgrass!) when i contacted morah esti she was so excited because she has met ari several times and knew how amazing this project would be. she took it 5 levels up and had all the kids sign ari's t-shrt! it is something he will treasure forever! thanks more esti!
when we met morah estis husband levi at wannado city and intercamp day- it really touched me how he took the time to talk with ari- he gave ari the t-shirt and said ari- we made this for u- and ari's face was priceless- well actually i think that might have been bec. levi gave him an ices!